Our commercial pest control services and industrial pest control services are similar in many ways, but here are some key differences:
- Type of pests:Commercial properties often have different pests from industrial facilities. For example, restaurants and food processing establishments may be more prone to infestations of rodents and stored product pests, while office buildings may be more prone to infestations of ants, spiders, and other common household pests. Staff in office type environments normally have a very low tolerance for sighting of pests (severe pest phobia), which can negatively impact the ability or willingness to work and productivity.
- Scale:Commercial pest management is delivered to premises in the supply of government or private services, trade, business and/or manufacturing, transport, distribution (including retail), hospitality, food services, security services and the like. The operation could be as small as a dwelling or occupy an expanse of several acres. The complexity of the building’s construction, the furniture and fixtures frequently contained therein coupled with the requirement for a positive user experience present unique pest management challenge. Patronage at commercial enterprises big and small depend on users having a positive experience. We are keenly aware of this and ensure that we are always equipped with the knowledge, credentials, assets (human and otherwise) to meet and exceed the expectations of our clients and their customers.
- Regulations:Industrial operations have the highest health and safety compliance requirements, and we employ the same approaches to the delivery of service as in our commercial practice, consequently our customers benefit from the application of the same systems, procedures, practices, processes, measurable KPIS and accountability matrix. two
- Treatment methods:Commercial enterprises typically have higher levels of entropic traffic and so the consideration required for possible human interaction is greater. The need to minimize pesticide use and employ discreet and safe measures to address pest problems is even greater given that children and pets may be allowed.
Schedule: As consumers become more sophisticated, the customer experience is a heavily weighted variable in the calculus of commercial enterprises. We understand this at Omega Pest Management and go the extra mile to be invisible at best or ensure discretion at least in the execution of our work. Whenever possible we can be sufficiently flexible with our scheduling that our service is delivered at times when our clients are not open to the public or have relatively low traffic or in an inobtrusive manner as possible thus helping create a positive end-user experience.
Overall, while our commercial and industrial pest control services share many similarities, the key differences are in the types of pests encountered, the regulatory requirements, the treatment methods used and even the scale and complexity of the challenges posed by the different environments, structures and localised ecosystems. The building materials used, design of the structure(s), proximity to natural or man-made water courses, natural water levels, flora, fauna, surrounding vegetation, humidity and type of rock/stone/earth are all factors that influence the type and population of pests. The diverse possible combinations of these make each pest control mandate different and therefore requires unique sets of skills, knowledge, and expertise to effectively control pests in each peculiar bionetwork.