HSE Policy

It is the policy of Omega Pest Management that the health and safety of its employees, contractors and customers shall be of primary importance
Since 1984

HSE Policy Statement

Omega Pest Management is committed to achieving Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) excellence through leadership, the shared responsibility and accountability, implementation of a structured HSE system, compliance with policies, standards, and applicable legislation.

It is the policy of Omega Pest Management that the health and safety of its employees, contractors and customers shall be of primary importance, while at the same time we shall operate in a manner which minimises the impact that our operations may have on third parties and the environment.

Our HSE objectives are to:

  • Conduct our business with minimum risk to our employees, customers, the public and the environment in a socially responsible and ethical manner.
  • Provide safe systems of work, identify hazards and provide suitable and sufficient control of the risks arising from our work.
  • Consult with our employees and clients on matters affecting HSE.
  • Provide and maintain safe plant, equipment and work areas.
  • Ensure safe handling, use, disposal and transport of harmful substances.
  • Properly address emergency situations.
  • Provide safe work conditions and equipment.
  • Provide HSE information, instruction and supervision for employees.
  • Ensure that all employees are suitably trained and competent to do their tasks.
  • Ensure compliance with all applicable legislation, codes, and industry best practice(s).
  • Provide the necessary direction, resources and demand compliance by all employees at all times.
  • Minimize the generation of waste, prevent harm to the environment, and conserve natural resources.
  • Prevent and establish arrangements for reporting and investigating accidents and incidents that may occur as a result of our operations.

HSE performance is an integral part of our business and contributes to our goal of being a responsible pest management service provider. It is our Management’s responsibility to establish, implement and maintain our HSE Policy, and ensure that it is reviewed and revised once every three years for continuous improvement.

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