Years Experience

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to our most frequently asked questions about our products or services.

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Welcome To Our FAQ Section

We understand that you may have questions about our products or services, and we’re here to help answer them. This section is designed to provide you with the most frequently asked questions and their answers in a clear and concise manner. Whether you’re a new customer or a returning one, we hope that this section will help address any concerns or uncertainties you may have. If you can’t find an answer to your question, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly. Our team is always ready to assist you and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

Our services include but are not limited to the control of: Rats, Mice, Cockroaches Ants, Mosquitoes and Flies; Wood Destroying Organisms including Drywood, Subterranean, and Nasutitermes Termites. Powder Post Beetles; Lawn and Garden pests; Birds; Bats; Odor Control and the fumigation of ships, boats, archives, documents and aircraft. We can deliver service twenty-four (24) hours a day, throughout the year, in emergencies, even on public holidays.

Commercial pest control services are designed for businesses and organizations that need to protect their premises, products, customers and employees from pests and rodents. They offer customized solutions for different sectors such as food processing, hospitality, health care, education and retail. Commercial pest control services may include fumigation, bird proofing, termite treatment, rodent control and sanitation audits.

Industrial pest control services are similar to commercial pest control services but they cater to industries that have specific requirements and regulations for pest management. These include oil and gas, manufacturing, construction, mining and agriculture. Industrial pest control services may involve integrated pest management (IPM), environmental monitoring, quality assurance and safety compliance.

Domestic pest control services are intended for residential customers who want to keep their homes free from pests such as rats, mice, ants, roaches, termites and bed bugs. They provide effective treatments that are safe for humans and pets. They also offer advice on how to prevent future infestations by eliminating food sources, entry points and breeding sites.

We work in homes, in offices, military installations, in restaurants, supermarkets, factories, warehouses, industrial plants, oil and gas installations, in aircraft, on boats and on offshore platforms.

Omega Pest Management has the financial capacity, credentials, experience, certification, compliance, insurances and a safety record which has no equal. This gives us the resilience to deliver your service and treat with all stakeholders sustainability. It will be an honor for us to add you to our portfolio of esteemed clients, who include fortune 500 organizations, regional conglomerates and hundreds of individual clients.

  • Aircraft
  • Airports
  • Businesses (Small and Large)
  • Containers
  • Factories
  • Food processing
  • Healthcare
  • Homes
  • Hotels
  • Industries (including process plants)
  • Manufacturing
  • Office buildings
  • Offshore Installations
  • Restaurants
  • Schools
  • Shipping terminals
  • Ships
  • Stores
  • Supermarkets
  • Shopping malls
  • Warehouses

Our Service Technicians are qualified with Offshore and Onshore safety certification (including Control of Work Certification). They are trained in Emergency Response and have the required expertise for operating in petrochemical facilities. All  are fully trained in CPR, environmental management, fire prevention, safe working practices, materials handling and the use of personal protective equipment.

We are one of the few Pest Management companies that have been certified with the Safe To Work (STOW) Implementation Board. We have a credible record of exceeding the standards for health, safety and environment compliance as established by the various boards of regulation and certification, supported by systems, process and procedures.

Omega Pest Management is accessible 24 hours per day, our contact information, request forms, whatsapp portal, fb account and 24 hours phone numbers are listed on our website’s contact page.  In some instances, an immediate response is possible however we will respond within 24 hours of being called, this may range from a returned call to execution of service depending on the nature of the issue.

IPM (Integrated Pest management) is an ecosystem-based strategy that focuses on long-term prevention of pests or their damage through a combination of techniques such as biological control, habitat manipulation, modification of cultural practices.

Pesticides are used only after monitoring indicates they are needed according to established/predetermined guidelines, and treatments are made with the goal of removing only the target organism/pests. Pest control materials are selected and applied in a manner that minimizes risks to human health, beneficial and nontarget organisms, and the environment.

All services we offer follow this methodology.

Sanitizing is the lowering of the number of germs to a safe level by either cleaning or disinfecting, disinfection itself is the  killing of nearly 100 percent of germs on surfaces or objects. This works by using chemicals to kill germs. Disinfecting doesn’t necessarily clean dirty surfaces, but it does kill germs, helping to lower the risk of infection.

We have a wide variety of equipment and methods that are appropriate for any environment, whether indoor or outdoor.  The swath, throw and droplet size of the spray required and even whether or not the droplets need to “cling” to the target surfaces to achieve optimum coverage in hard to reach areas (without creating excess wetness) are all taken into account in determining which is the best application to coat the surface evenly.  Once this has been determined we use our proprietary EPA approved sanitizer for Covid-19 environments as a precaution or where Covid-19 cases have been confirmed.  This sanitizer has also been proven effective in neutralizing several other types of pathogens including Hantavirus, Hepatitis B, HIV-1, and Influenza A H1N1, Salmonella and Leptospira Canicola Virus.

Odor control is the reduction of lingering unwanted and/or unpleasant odours. This does not just entail using counteracting odours but also using antimicrobial technologies to capture and neutralize the offensive odours.

Our offer assumes that you will execute our standard agreement and that the service will be delivered at any mutually convenient times, but including, nonetheless, as far as practical during, before and after normal working hours. Intrinsic in this offer is the assumption that (subject to prearrangement with each location) we will have full and unimpeded access to all the area so that we can deliver uninterrupted service sequentially.

We use the science of pest management; the right pesticide, the precise droplet size; the appropriate rate of application, only the legally approved quantity over the given time, the required vehicle speed, the correct tools and the most effective application methods in the hands of competent, well trained, experienced and trustworthy professionals, who are delivering a fully insured service. If God forbid anything goes wrong, you are covered. Your property is safe, your valuables are secure and your “business” is never spoken of. We know the meaning of discretion.

Our well groomed and properly attired members will go the extra mile to keep you happy, satisfied and your family safe. We won’t break, soil, damage or contaminate your property.

Traditional methods frequently leave long-term pesticide odor in buildings, which may require aeration and as a result disrupt work. Our methods minimize potential threats in this regard.

Work can continue during treatment: the necessity of shutting down operations is reduced or avoided. Traditional pest control requires substantial preparation, including, housekeeping and mechanical control. There is an absolute relationship between preparation, housekeeping, mechanical control and success. Our system reduces (without eliminating) the need for these additional works, saving time and assuring results, in the process.

Where necessary, a service preparation document will be provided before the commencement of service and written inspection reports provided for each location when the treatment is completed.

Safety Data Sheets (S.D.S.) for all pesticides used for treatment shall be provided, and all application instruction and safety requirements, defined in the Specimen Labels and Safety Data Sheets (S.D.S.), will be implemented before, during and after service. In addition to this, proper arrangements in compliance with the S.D.S. will be made to facilitate spill control, decontamination and the eventual disposal of harmful chemical wastes.

Our company was one of the first pest control companies to offer an Integrated Pest Management service (IPM), emphasizing the minimization of chemical use.  We attempt to use the least toxic pesticides in every situation as far as practicable and none where possible. Our approach is intended to safeguard the health of our customers, our own employees and the public in general. We are committed to the protection and preservation of the environment.

Omega Pest Management has been STOW-TT Certified for the past ten (10) years STOW – Safe TO Work – STOW Certification (stowtt.info) and continues to comply with the statutory requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 as amended 2006 Occupational Safety and Health Authority and Agency (labour.gov.tt).

As a Safe-To-Work (STOW) certified company, and therefore HSSE conscious, we are sincere about the health and safety of our Clients, their Customers, Staff and the preservation and protection of the environment. Safety, through our well-developed quality control protocols, always comes first. This certification ensures that our service technicians are properly trained and robust procedures for the delivery of service are adhered too and that our vehicles and equipment are properly maintained and  inspected regularly to ensure their proper and safe operation.

Allergic reactions and long-term pesticide exposure are minimised. Older and younger individuals are more susceptible to the negative effects of pesticide exposure. Additionally, reactions to pesticides are individually determined, as each individual’s threshold is different. The possibilities of skin and/or respiratory contact are negligible. Given our methods of application and the quantities of pesticide used human exposure is frequently minimal and/or insignificant, relative to the threshold value, which would cause harmful exposure. The application of older types of pesticides especially in enclosed buildings tends to facilitate the entrapment and recycling of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and other known carcinogens which can adversely affect health. The use of modem pesticides and application methods only where necessary, minimises this.

We deliver our service by employing integrated pest management which promotes the long-term prevention of pests or their damage through a combination of techniques such as biological control, habitat manipulation, modification of cultural practices. In instances where pesticide application is unavoidable the approach (where possible) is to use the least toxic materials and apply them in inaccessible areas and/or tamper resistant stations/enclosures. In any event the modes of application and formulations of modern liquid pesticides assures a minimum of toxicity in the event of unavoidable or unintentional exposure in the hands of highly trained and experienced applicators.

The products we use are suitable for use in sensitive areas, which by the nature of their construction, function, use or contents are sensitive. Examples include areas with electronic equipment such as computers, switchboards and other electronic and electrical devices.

The pesticides we use are primarily third generation products, which include insecticidal tapes, lacquers, strips, insect growth regulators, traps, baits, dusts, glue boards and pheromone attractants, among others. These products will have a minimal effect on the environment, natural ecosystems, the water table and air quality.

Whenever possible, our first choice is for treatment regimens which recognize that we have stewardship over our earth and we make every eff0rt to act responsibly and sensitively delivering the most minimal impact on natural ecosystems, our water and our air. Our large scale mosquito control progammes are the outcome of carefully measured pesticide dosages minimising environmental impact and non-target application delivered with accurately calibrated equipment, dispersed from vehicles travelling at ideal speeds, applying optimum sized particles from the correct direction, whenever possible. All of our live animal capture services presume that wild animals will be released into the wild and that domestic animals will be adopted. Wherever possible, we deliver service in occupied structures with low odor pesticide preparations, with the lowest possible volatility, minimising long-term odors, the need for airing out and the disruption of work.

All of our live animal capture services presume that wild animals will be released into the wild and that domestic animals will be adopted.

We have the highest percentage of independently certified technicians in our industry. No other film comes close. We have the most highly trained and experienced technical team locally.

Our certified pest management professionals have extensive experience in dealing with complex pest control procedures; their years of training, certification and professional practice together with our scheduling systems and documentation protocols, all comprise a Quality Control System which guarantees a verifiable consistent outcome.

Our technicians are trained and qualified in health, safety, emergency and environmental (HSEE) measures and have all attended courses, which enable them to manage the delivery of our service and the interaction with other trades and the working environment with the highest degree of care – Safe to Work T&T (STOW) compliance and conduct a safety evaluation of the service that they provide and of our client’s property and environment.  Included amongst the areas in which they have been trained are first aid with CPR; environmental management; fire prevention; safe working practices, materials handling and the use of personal protective equipment.

Our lead technicians have all graduated from an intensive residential pest management program conducted jointly by lead faculty of the departments of entomology and Life Sciences of the Universities of Puerto Rico and the University of the West Indies and/or are graduates of UWI’S technician pest management training program.

If it doesn’t work and you have followed our instructions we’ll do it over again at our expense.

Should a problem develop between our scheduled services, we will provide treatments to address the issue without charge. Emergency treatments will be carried out, where for example, should there be an influx of cockroaches as a result of the entry of infested crates, or if rodent(s) are found in a storeroom, we will respond urgently on the condition that our mechanical control, sanitation, food source reduction and habitat modification recommendations have been and are being implemented.

Omega Pest Management is a well-established Integrated Pest Management service provider with over thirty-eight (38) years experience in providing professional services to public and private sector organizations throughout Trinidad and Tobago.

As a founding member of the Pest Management Association of Trinidad and Tobago, we have advocated for minimum industry standards, professional certification, business ethics, and consumer protection. Our international partnerships over several years, including that gained as a member of the American Pest Management Association and as a consequence of training, manufacturing and/or purchasing puts us in an envious position relative to our competitors.

We are international members of the American National Pest Management Association. Our relationship to this organization assures us access to up-to-date training resources, information and products. The NPMA technical resources (some of the most advanced in the world) give us better access to research facilities than several of our international competitors, with independent resources and facilities in addition to this we are founding members of the Pest Management Association of Trinidad and Tobago (PMATT)

We are one of the few Pest Management companies to have perfect scores with the STOW Implementation Board. We have a strong track record of exceeding the standards of health, safety and environmental health implemented by their different boards of regulation and is certified as follows:

  • STOW Health, Safety and Environmental Certificate.
  • HSE Management, Leadership and Accountability – Over 30 Years in Business.
  • FALCK Certified Member – Safe Operations and Emergence Response for Offshore Petrochemicals Terminals.

Omega Pest Management is committed to achieving Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) excellence through leadership, the shared responsibility and accountability, implementation of a structured HSE system, compliance with policies, standards, and applicable legislation.

It is the policy of Omega Pest Management that the health and safety of its employees, contractors and customers shall be of primary importance, while at the same time we shall operate in a manner which minimizes the impact that our operations may have on third parties and the environment.

Our HSE objectives are to:

  • Conduct our business with minimum risk to our employees, customers, the public and
    the environment in a socially responsible and ethical manner;
  • Provide safe systems of work, identify hazards and provide suitable and sufficient
    control of the risks arising from our work;
  • Consult with our employees and clients on matters affecting HSE;
  • Provide and maintain safe plant, equipment and work areas;
  • Ensure safe handling, use, disposal and transport of harmful substances;
  • Properly address emergency situations;
  • Provide safe work conditions and equipment.
  • Provide HSE information, instruction and supervision for employees;
  • Ensure that all employees are suitably trained and competent to do their tasks;
  • Ensure compliance with all applicable legislation, codes, and industry best practices);
  • Provide the necessary direction, resources and demand compliance by all employees
    at all times;
  • Minimize the generation of waste, prevent harm to the environment, and conserve
    natural resources;
  • Prevent and establish arrangements for reporting and investigating accidents and
    incidents that may occur as a result of our operations;

HSE performance is an integral part of our business and contributes to our goal of being a
responsible pest management service provider. It is our Management’s responsibility to
establish, implement and maintain our HSE Policy, and ensure that it is reviewed and revised
annually for continuous improvement.

Our company is registered and monitored by the local Pesticides and Toxic Substances Division of the Ministry of Health. In addition our insurances include US$1.M in Public Liability coverage, which insures against claims in the unlikely event of some accident occurring. In over thirty-eight (38) years of operation we have never made a claim or had an accident. We also maintain coverage for Workmen’s Compensation and Employers Liability with limits for any one accident and any one period of  $6,400,000 each.

We are fully tax compliant remitting both payroll and corporate taxes to the Board of Inland Revenue with payments being up to date in both instances.  Our members are also fully labour compliant as their National Insurance payments are also up-to-date and they are covered by Workmen’s Compensation.  You our client are covered by US$1.M in Public Liability insurance.

The EPA is an American regulatory body that regulates the quality of pesticides, the rates of application, the permitted uses , the locations that pesticides can be used in, the pests that they can be used to treat.  The majority of our pesticides meet EPA standards and the company abides by the use and application restrictions.  All North American EPA approved pesticides have rules for use and disposal on the label and the local laws in Trinidad and Tobago require conformity with same.

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